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Tyresö, Strandaren:

Reflektioner från Toscana i Italien

2020-03-12 / Jonas Åhlund

Torget i Colle Val d´Elsa.

En italiensk lärare, Monica Creati, som jag känt sedan många år tillbaka genom EU-finansierade skolprojekt, har låtit några elever skriva om hur de upplever situationen just nu i det av coronoaviruset hårt drabbade Italien.
Ett Italien där alla skolor är stängda sedan en tid tillbaka med syfte att begränsa smittspridningen. Förhoppningsvis ger dessa unga människors syn på tillvaron Strandarens läsekrets ytterligare ett perspektiv direkt från ett av de för stunden värst drabbade länderna. Texterna är skrivna på engelska eftersom Strandarens läsekrets med stor sannolikhet är bättre på engelska än italienska. Ungdomarna som skrivit texterna är 14 år och går i en skola som heter Liceo Alesssandro Volta i en stad som heter Colle Val d´Elsa.

The situation we're living isn't the easiest we have ever had. Staying at home all day long just with your parents – if they are lucky not to go to work – isn’t as simple as it appears. But it’s necessary if we want to stop this horrible virus. So, in my opinion, we have to seize the moment and take advantage of this ‘strange period’: we should spend more time with our parents, we could chill out watching Netflix, take a break from school and – of course – get prepared to go back to it when this time will be over. I greet you hoping to see each other as soon as possible. ‌NINO

Good morning everyone, as you can see, the situation we're living isn't the best, it's actually scary frightening. It's also hard to follow the rules that we were given from our government, but we have to respect them, those rules are meant to protect us, and it's our duty, as member of this society, to do our part, which is to avoid the spread of the virus. I know staying at home isn't what you plan to do in your freetime, but you can make the best of it. I'm dedicating myself to reading, and it's really helping me escaping from this terrible situation and not to think about it. You can find others activities, like drawing, writing, as long as it keep your thoughts in another place. Just hold on, until the situation improves in the world, and the virus in no longer spreading. FRANCESCO

Good evening teacher! I find these days very hard for me because, as well as being concerned about what's happening, the rules to avoid the infection are very hard to follow. I find difficoult stay just a day at home and twenty days without going out or meet my friends seem endless to me. At the same time i try to do some things that i don’t have time to do during the school days like read more, watch some TV series on netflix or catching up with the study. I know that it's not going to be easy but i will try to do my best. I hate to totally change my routine but it's necessary to ensure the health of all. I never thought I’d say this, but I really want to go back to school! See you soon. AURORA

The situation we are living at the moment is a serious emergency. I'm not scared about the virus and I'm positive because I know that being anxious ore worried is useless. When school was closed I was happy and I lived the moment like a holiday: going out with my friends and having fun but then I realized that what I was doing was a bad thing because I wasn't helping the country to stop the virus and I was putting in danger my and my family's health. So after a few days I started staying at home, keeping in touch with my friends by social networks, and taking advantage from the situation to stay more time with my family and learning new things like playing the guitar. I miss "normal life" but I know that we have to stay at home to help our country. MATTEO

Good morning teacher! At the moment we're facing a bad situation, for me it's been a little hard to accept that our typical routine has stopped. During The first three days I didn't know what to do, because personally I hate to stay at home for too long. From Saturday I started to face this situation in a better way, I think we can use these "holyday" in a good way. For example by spending time by taking care of ourselves, having good times with the family or doing things that make us happy. I'm honestly not a fan of Netflix or TV so I prefer listening to music while drawing or painting or playing table games. These days in the evening I'm watching an anime called Death Note and it's one of my favorite activities. I also try to find time to keep up with the study, even if sometimes I just relax and do nothing. In these days while I'm alone at home I often feel lonely or sad, I would prefer going to school than have this current lifestyle.I know we have to follow the government orders and remain at home but I need to have a walk everyday for refreshing my mind. Right now I miss my classmates and volleyball so much I hope this terrible situation ends as soon as possible! XOXO SOLVE

Good morning teacher , I usually like to stay at home and relax with my family, but with this bad situation it’ s difficult to do it. I often get bored at home and I don't know what to do and moreover I am a little scared about this virus, I am afraid for my grandmothers who would risk not surviving. I often study or watch television. Yesterday I started a new Netflix series called "I am not ok with this" and it makes lot of fun. I hope to be able to come back to reality quickly. PIER

Good morning teacher. Actually, it doesn't seem to be such a good period, but despite this annoying situation I'm trying to find my way to enjoy myself and not to waste this time that I'm going to spend at home with my family. I suppose everyone should. For example, I forced my brother to teach me how to play chess, read a thriller novel and watched a film about seven women's stories on women's day Then, I've kept in touch with my friends, which is essential in this situation and the best way to use social media. I know we all should avoid to hang out, but it won't be easy at all. However, following the advices that the experts give us is the best way to get over this virus and return to our routine soon. Thanks for your availability. See you soon! -BONNIE

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